runn club

Every Sunday we take on a 5km continuous runn with our members and new joiners. There will always be a 1km warm up runn with everyone followed by stretch’s before we head into the main runn. The main runn will be spilt into 3 pace groups so keep everyone of all abilities comfortable (pace groups shown below). Within your pace groups there will be someone from the runnpac team / runnpac volunteers to make sure the pace standard is adhered to. On the last Sunday of every month we will take our runn club to a different location in London to explore different routes. This runn will have the same structure as the above. However, the runn will be 7km.

To join us at runn club please visit our events page 

Pace Groups – Based on your average 1-kilometre pace across a 5- kilometre distance.

  • 06:30 avg per km (Beginner)
  • 05:30 avg per km (Intermediate)
  • 04:30 avg per km (Advanced)

track club

Every Thursday we host a track session for members and new joiners. Our track session programs vary from week to week to keep it exciting. You will have 3 groups to choose from so that everyone of all abilities are comfortable (pace groups shown below). Track sessions will be interval based. Meaning you will have a time of recovery after each rep (runn). The main distances that the runnpac team will choose between are 800m, 1200, 1600m. These distances will vary and you will do different reps throughout the session.

To join us at track club please visit our events page

Pace Groups – Based on your average 1-kilometre pace across a 5- kilometre distance.

  • 06:30 avg per km (Beginner)
  • 05:30 avg per km (Intermediate)
  • 04:30 avg per km (Advanced)

pacworq club

Every month we host pacworq (once or twice a month, subject to change due to demand). Get ready for a high energy fuelled circuit session incorporating HIIT, cardio machines, body weight and weight exercises. Our experienced and qualified runnpac team has developed a session for all fitness abilities to enjoy together. Whether you’re a high performer or just starting your fitness journey the runnpac team has you covered. runnpac is not just about running – it's a celebration of community, fitness, hard work and personal achievements. Connect with like minded people, cheer each other on, and create lasting memories. Along the way, enjoy music that will keep the energy levels high throughout the event.

To join us at track club please visit our events page