runnpac. created from a friendship between two neighbours which started with a conversation after a workout and a runn, that led to meeting the next day to runn together. The weeks that followed introduced friends joining every Sunday for a 10-kilometre runn. As the months past a community was organically being cultivated and the crossroad was met. runnpac. was then established with the idea of building an environment which allows anyone to join a community crafted through fitness and friendship.

runnpac. are we a runn club? Yes. However, we are much more. it's a lifestyle, community and brand with our foundation starting as a runn club. We will always serve the wider running community as we believe without running there would be no runnpac. We want to give our members a multi-fitness acquaintance which can enhance personal performance, wellbeing and connect across our community.

runnpac. will shape a new mould to any brand / community seen previously whilst organically growing and being a brand that opens a new space within fitness, personal performance and wellbeing. We understand that wellness is mental and physical and for that reason we aim to simultaneously enhance both for our members / community.

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